Interview with EJ Mañón: Meet the Artists Mini Docuseries


By Contagion Media

Enrique Mañón has had a long journey since he emigrated from México City to America. His beliefs and ideals are challenged everyday and he understands the process of being an artist is full of experiences and learning. Having had such a great experience in the US, EJ is looking for more experiences to help him on his journey. EJ believes in epiphany and being eclectic in the process of making his art. EJ currently has his own photography business, “Feel Good Photography.”

Meet EJ Mañón, Photographer and Writer signed to Contagion Media.

Contagion Media’s mission is to make artists more important. We specialize in content creation and marketing strategy for creative brands.

Video Transcription

“Hello everyone. My name is Enrique and I'm a photographer and my style it's focused on, you know, pop culture. movies, cinema and all that stuff so everything is inspired by that. I started being creative when I was a little kid my first inspiration was this movie Batman, Tim Burton's movie, the first one, and I was so in love with that movie and you know, all the technical stuff, all the aesthetic of that movie inspired me to later go and search for photography and do my bachelor's on journalism and in mass media and then I just focused on being photographer I started like couple years ago as a photo journalist and then I switched to fashion events social lifestyle everything started here in Phoenix, Arizona.

Phoenix, Arizona helped me to start my creative journey just because it's so multicultural. You have a lot of you know people from different places; it's a place where you can expand yourself. You have the desert. You have so many cool places, and also the spark on the creative community is big, sometimes I feel it's underrated, but you have so many creatives here, and you have migrants as myself. There's so many talented people and also there's so much going on here and there's so much freedom you know to do whatever you want.

I'm really into fashion because fashion opened my mind long time ago. People have this misconception about fashion, like, oh it's just beautiful models and things like that but it's not it's not just that. It's aesthetic, it's you know working with colors, so I think that's my favorite type of photography at the moment. I really like doing cosplay too because I'm a such a big comic fan and I think fashion it's one venue to you know to be as creative as you can, so there's no limit in fashion, there's no limit.

I think the hardest part of being an artist, it has to do with, you know, how you market yourself — getting gigs and things like that — I think that's the most challenging. My favorite part about being an artist, I just tell this before, but I think it's the human connection. It has to do with being completely creative — like our mind, it's not our prison; our mind, it's a place that we can be free as whatever we want and then if we put it on the paper and then we make it a reality it makes you even more free because you are translating everything that is inside you feelings emotions knowledge everything into something real and tangible, so I think that's my most favorite part.

I think it's super important to create with other people because you need different perspectives you have your own mindset and that's great you are unique by yourself you know but other people are unique too so when you have different people creating together you have this kind of a big brainstorming that helps to bring something spectacular to life so I think it's always good to have a good bunch of people on your team and being a team player it's always you are looking for that you're looking for being a team player because sometimes great things comes from that so I think it's valuable to work with other people just because that other people on their focus and they're on the same goal as you you can create something unimaginable.

Working for contagion and being part of this great team it allowed me to express myself and this is the first time that a company like contagion does something like this, it has been never seen before. You have a lot of agencies but the thing that comes up and pops up from Contagion Media is that Contagion Media cares about the creativity cares about people but also being prepared for getting you know jobs and gigs and things like that so this is the first company that makes this, and I'm super thankful for being part of the team.”

Book a Shoot with
EJ Mañón


Photographer Featured: EJ Mañón @enriquejavierphotography

Videographer: KBR @kbrofficial

Video Editors: Maddie @yoitzmaddie, KBR @kbrofficial

Agency: Contagion Media @contagionmedia @contagionmedia_

Models: Katie Quinana, Roxanne Ayari, Brittnee Campanella, Destiny Bradd, Janessa Rosales, Shavon Gardner

Locations: Aloft Hotel, Mariposa Monarca

Edited by KBR on January 26, 2025


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