“Life Imitates Art:” Interview with Angel Virtuoso
Although there are many interdisciplinary artists rising in the Phoenix art scene, the artists who shine the most are the ones creating the culture from within and empowering artists to do the same. This season, I had the lovely experience of meeting internationally recognized Fashion Stylist and the founder of The Black Heart Event, Angel Virtuoso. We sat down at Foursight Shop in Downtown Phoenix, AZ, with La Unica, to learn more about Angel Virtuoso and her compelling accomplishments.
Photo of Angel Virtuoso by KBR
Moving to Phoenix, AZ in 2017, Angel has spent years building an incredible and iconic brand well known by the community locally and globally. When asked to describe her style, Angel says, “Architectural. I think that my work is challenging for the eye because it really is making you think about why I did certain things…. Artistic, fun, I like to have fun.” Angel Virtuoso has showcased fashion in publications and fashion shows around the globe, including France, Canada, the U.K., and Germany. Reminiscing, we asked Angel what advice she would give to her younger self at the start of her artist journey. Angel shared some wisdom with us, "Don't think about it too much because that will hold you back. Have more fun!” Angel’s high energy is refreshing and inspiring.
Angel creates from within without needing external validation, but she did have a beautiful message for fans. “You can do anything you want. You just have to strive for it and be creative and just do what you want. I try not to limit myself. I try not to have too many rules.” This free-flowing energy, along with other qualities, make Angel Virtuoso incredibly unique and an artist the world should be looking out for.
Photo of Angel Virtuoso by KBR
Often overlooked by some of the world’s most creative minds, two of Angel’s most notable qualities are leadership and vision. “I think that when it comes to having a bunch of multi-faceted people in one crew everybody wants their idea to shine so it’s like seeing how each person's idea can shine in their own perspective. There are tons of people that exist within one event but everybody's not doing the same thing, they are doing what works for them and we are incorporating it at a certain time to magnify them.” When asked about her favorite part of working with a team, Angel states, “to analyze each other’s strengths and also weaknesses to see how we can help each other.”
When asked about working with Angel, La Unica shares,“My favorite thing about Angel is she is so real, she is magnetizing. Something about Angel just draws you into her world…Angel is definitely 1/1.”
Although Angel has the capability to accomplish anything, she continues to show gratitude to the creative community.
“Thank you to everyone who has ever supported me or given me kind words. Artistry is hard and if you’re an artist, you know that. It’s very fulfilling when other people are there to cheer you on and just letting you know how good of a job you are doing. Just keep on keeping on and thank you so much for just continuing to support me.”
Do you want to experience Angel Virtuoso’s Black Heart Event? Get Tickets Now for The Black Heart Event: happening on December 14, 2024 in Downtown Phoenix, AZ. Follow @blackheartevent and @lifeofavirtuoso on Instagram for more.
Edited by Dylan Simon on November 25, 2024