Interview with Christine Owens, Visionary Artist From Phoenix, AZ
The greatest part about creating and building Contagion Media so far has been meeting so many unique and interesting artists. I met Christine Owens earlier this year at the Rollin’ Taco Festival in Chandler, Arizona while we were both vending art. The festival was a total bust; the artists were placed in an area with little to no traffic meanwhile the festival had tens of thousands in attendance. Although we were obviously bummed, it wasn’t a complete disappointment.
Upon meeting Christine, I was immediately intrigued by her beautiful visionary creations. Inspired by Christine’s art, I felt the need to find out more about this wonderful soul. In November, I reconnected with Christine and had the amazing opportunity to interview her on her artistic journey. During this meeting, we both agreed that although the festival wasn’t as successful as we had hoped, everything happens for a reason.
“Imagination is Key” by Christine Owens - Prints Available
How did you start making art?
I was in art classes when I was really little, from ages 4-7. I took a break from creating and didn’t paint after until I was 21. I remember the moment I started painting again because it was a very spiritual experience. I was in a confusing and dark place at the time. I had just gotten out of a toxic relationship and was lost on who I was as a person.
In an attempt to get out of this, I asked myself what I liked to do when I was a little child that didn’t require any attention from anyone else. I immediately thought of painting and the joy it brought me. It was one of the few things in my life that really made me happy with just myself.
I decided to start making art again and finished a painting that same day. I posted it on Facebook, and the feedback and kindness I received from people really just got me so high. I made a decision in that moment that I will forever devote my life to art because it is like my God that saved me.
“Arizona Love” by Christine Owens - Prints Available
How has your art evolved since the beginning of your journey?
At first, I started painting cartoon characters and things that I liked. My style evolved so much since then. Now, I paint my visions and the feelings radiating from my heart. It has become much more psychological and deep since I first started creating again at age 21. Art has taught me that being creative and having an open mind is one of the greatest gifts. I paint vibrant landscapes almost everyday, and now when I walk out into the world these colors are what I see. Perspective is powerful.
What are some future projects you’d like to pursue?
I really want to start making more jewelry. I got these wood pieces from Amazon, and I would like incorporating crystals into some new pieces. I think I am going to make necklaces.
I also think I am going to start placing a typed message behind every piece explaining the story behind why I created it. I have a lot to say. I think people can always look at something and interpret what they want from their own perspective, but I always love sharing what inspired my art. Being able to connect with my voice through art is very important to me.
“Have You Ever Felt Yourself Slipping Away?” by Christine Owens - Prints Available
What is your favorite quality of art?
Capturing the beauty of this very moment. I know some artists will spend weeks, month, or even years on an art piece going back to add detail, but that has never been my flow. I make all of my pieces that day. I am always inspired in the morning; have this surge of inspiration around 7/8am. All of my visions are inspired by the positive motivation I have in the morning.
“The Love Cave” by Christine Owens - Prints Available
Tell us a little bit about your creative process.
Sometime I will sit and meditate for like five minutes and then I will start to see all these crazy visions in my mind. I think it is because mediation is helping me ground myself. I get so lost in my head, so this process is very helpful. The visions I see are so beautiful.
Most of my visions are started with phrases or words I read in a book or made up. I usually wake up, meditate, think of the phrase, and imagine how I can create the visual representation of the message I want to share through the piece. I always post each piece with the message underneath when sharing with the world.
Do you ever have artist block?
I am very lucky and have been very inspired for the last three years. I do have some artist friends who experience this for weeks or even months, but I have luckily only experienced an artist block for a couple days. It is kind of scary because I’ll wake up one day and be immensely inspired with my heart overflowing with art, but some days I wake up and I just feel no motivation. It is scary because I have made this my path and not wanting to make art some days is really freaky. But I’m really lucky that the last three years have been a steady uphill journey. I know some people only make art when they are emotion or happy, but I am really grateful that I make art when I feel all emotions.
“Connected to the Desert” by Christine Owens - Prints Available
What inspires your art?
Mental illness is a huge inspiration for my art. Growing up, I was on a plethora of medication. I was diagnosed with bipolar, anxiety, depression, OCD, trauma, everything. For me, it kind of brought me down thinking I have these problems. Coming off all those medications and embracing everything they told me was wrong with me changed my entire life.
Creating art is when I am all numbed out. When I was experiencing all these issues, I wasn’t making art. Art has helped me heal because it helps me express my inner struggles and positive sides. Rather than seeing myself as damaged, It has helped me love myself exactly as I am. It was a really long journey, but I am happy to have finally come out on the other side after many years.